“Fifty Shades of Grey” star Dakota Johnson made her first appearance on “The Tonight Show” on Tuesday, and joined host Jimmy Fallon in proving “anything can be sexy.”
The pair played a game taking turns reading nonsense, like George Lucas‘ dialogue for cringeworthy “Star Wars” character Jar Jar Binks, and making it sound as sexy as possible.
Hopefully the verbal foreplay between Johnson and co-star Jamie Dornan in the adaptation of author E.L. James‘ bestselling erotic novel will be steamier than this: “Excuse me, sir, but this strawberry-flavored chapstick just fell out of your fanny pack.”
Johnson plays Anastasia Steele, a submissive college student exploring BDSM, while Dornan plays dominant billionaire Christian Grey in the Universal Pictures release hitting theaters on Friday.
Watch Johnson act sexy here, then watch her receive a trophy for being a third-generation member of her family to appear as a guest on the long-running NBC late-night show.