“Fifty Shades of Grey” director Sam Taylor-Johnson had a “difficult” relationship with author E.L. James while the Valentine’s Day weekend release was in production.
“It was difficult, I’m not going to lie. We definitely fought,” Taylor-Johnson told Porter magazine for its latest issue, hitting newsstands on Friday. “But they were creative fights, and we would resolve them. We would have proper on-set ‘barneys,’ [which is English slang for an argument] and I’m not confrontational, but it was about finding a way between the two of us, satisfying her vision of what she’d written as well as my need to visualize this person on-screen, but, you know, we got there.”
Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson take the lead as Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele, respectively, in the R-rated romantic drama based on James’ bestselling erotic novel of the same name.
Twenty minutes of the film’s 100 minute running time are reportedly dedicated to sex scenes, which Taylor-Johnson admits is less than the amount of pages James dedicated to Grey’s sexual fetish, BDSM.
“It’s a Hollywood movie, but it’s going to be extreme for that world,” Taylor-Johnson said. “It’s going to be pretty sexually explicit because, let’s face it, we know what this book is about. It’s a sexual journey.”