Ferguson Shooting: Michael Brown Autopsy Shows Close-Range Hand Wound, Marijuana in System

18-year-old’s autopsy reveals he was shot in hand close range; will renewed media blitz spring?

Michael Brown

Michael Brown’s official autopsy finds he was shot at close range in the hand, an analysis by the St. Louis Dispatch found.

This finding from the St. Louis county medical examiner coincides with police officer Darren Wilson’s account of events, which was recently leaked. Wilson claims he and Brown struggled for his pistol while he was still in his police car, and as a result, he shot Brown twice.

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The autopsy finds Wilson’s bullet traveled from Brown’s thumb to his wrist. Separate from the hand wound, the report also shows marijuana was present in the teenager’s system.

Also read: U.S. Attorney General Orders Federal Autopsy on Michael Brown, as Ferguson Protests Leave 1 Shot

The new findings only intensify one of the most polarizing media stories in recent memory. Up to this point, conservative media has erred on the side of not rushing to judgment–and supporting Wilson’s right to tell his side of the story. With the new hand wound finding, these outlets will likely support Wilson’s argument Brown was charging at him and his life was in jeopardy.

Also read: CNN Obtains Video of Ferguson Witnesses Describing Michael Brown Shooting

On the opposite end, liberal media, who’ve expanded this story beyond the August 9th incident–to spotlight police brutality toward African American men–are likely to argue Brown’s hand wound doesn’t explain Wilson’s reasoning for shooting the unarmed teenager an additional four times once he got out of his car.
