Fergie Responds to National Anthem Backlash: I ‘Honestly Tried My Best’ (Video)

“I’m a risk taker artistically, but clearly this rendition didn’t strike the intended tone,” singer says

Fergie has responded to backlash surrounding her performance of the national anthem at Sunday’s NBA All-Star game, assuring fans she “honestly” tried her best.

“I’ve always been honored and proud to perform the national anthem and last night I wanted to try something special for the NBA,” she said in a statement to TheWrap. “I’m a risk taker artistically, but clearly this rendition didn’t strike the intended tone. I love this country and honestly tried my best.”

The Black Eyed Peas singer put on such a poor performance of the “Star Spangled Banner” ahead of the All-Star game at Staples Center in Los Angeles that Twitter quickly exploded in outrage Sunday night. One critic wrote, “America is officially dead. #Fergie,” while another wag joked, “Francis Scott Off-key” — referring to the song’s original writer.

Even Roseanne Barr, who famously infuriated many with her rendition of “The Star-Spangled Banner” at a baseball game in 1990, weighed in on Fergie’s rendition.

“Who saw Fergie’s national anthem performance at the NBA All Star Game? I think mine was better lowkey,” Barr wrote.

Watch Fergie’s performance above if you need a reminder.
