FCC Reviewing Globes for Indecency

The FCC said Wednesday that it is reviewing NBC’s Sunday telecast of the Golden Globes for violations of indecency rules after receiving numerous complaints about the telecast.

The FCC said Wednesday that it is reviewing NBC’s Sunday telecast of the Golden Globes for violations of indecency rules after receiving numerous complaints about the telecast, reports the Los Angeles Times. Near the end of the show, director Darren Aronofsky jokingly gave Mickey Rourke – who was accepting the best actor prize for Aronofsky’s "The Wrestler" onstage – the middle finger. Rourke used a mild curse word during his speech, as did other actors, most of which NBC censors bleeped out.


"We received 18 complaints about the Golden Globes telecast," FCC spokeswoman Edie Herman wrote in an e-mail to the paper, "and the commission is reviewing the matter." The FCC regulates decency issues on broadcast television networks and fined CBS $500,000 for airing Janet Jackson’s exposed breast during the 2004 Super Bowl, though a court overturned that fine last year.
