‘Fast’ Women and ‘Hangover’ Headaches at Box Office (Video)

Forty-nine percent of the hot-car saga's audience was female, high for an action movie

Much was made of the ethnic casting that helped “Fast & Furious 6” drive the record Memorial Day box office by attracting a broad and diverse audience. But it played very strongly with another demographic group: women.

Opening weekend crowds were 49 percent female, very high for an action film. Part of its appeal may be the film's strong roles for Michelle Rodriguez, Jordan Brewster and Gina Carano.

Also read: Best May Ever at the Box Office – Are We in for a Record Summer, Too?

We’ll never know how well "The Hangover Part III" might have done had it not gone head-to-head with Universal’s dynamo, but it’s a good guess they’re wondering about that at Warner Bros. in the wake of the R-rated comedy's softer-than-expected first weekend.

A film to watch is the animated kids film “Epic,” The adventure fantasy from Fox’s in-house Blue Sky Studios if off to a solid start, but can it play steadily and become the foundation for a franchise?.
