John Miller might not be real. But there’s a genuine riot going on about him on Twitter.
Following news that presidential candidate Donald Trump might have posed as his own publicist using the alias John Miller, the Twitterati jumped at the chance to mock the possible impostor-ism.
Early Friday, the Washington Post reported that Trump used to pose as his own publicist, publishing audiotape of a man who identified himself as P.R. professional John Miller and whose voice bears a startling resemblance to Trump’s.
Trump denied the allegation, but that didn’t stop social media users from having a field day.
A number of jokers used the story as an opportunity to take a jab at Trump’s birther tendencies.
“WHERE IS JOHN MILLER‘S BIRTH CERTIFICATE?!” one Twitter user demanded, a sentiment echoed by others.
A Donald Trump parody account offered, “No, John Miller is not available for interviews! Although if I leave the room, I could send him back in. He wears a top hat and dark glasses.”
DailyWire editor-in-chief Ben Shapiro likened the Miller story to disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner’s explicit photo scandal.
“So, John Miller and Carlos Danger are sitting in a bar,” Shapiro wrote, referring to Weiner’s nom du perversion.
Read on for a choice collection of reactions.
Everyone just calm down, they found the real John Miller.
— PoliticalGroove (@PoliticalGroove) May 13, 2016
Unconfirmed photo of John Miller.
— Ben Howe (@BenHowe) May 13, 2016
— Jim Gross (@jgross68) May 13, 2016
I actually had the pleasure of meeting John Miller once. Orange hair. Orange face. Small orange hands. He looked so familiar…
— TrumpsTaxes (@TrumpsTaxes) May 13, 2016
According to @realDonaldTrump John Miller has huge hands and is also very rich.
— Political Nerd (@Sttbs73) May 13, 2016
So, John Miller and Carlos Danger are sitting in a bar.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) May 13, 2016
No, John Miller is not available for interviews! Although if I leave the room, I could send him back in. He wears a top hat and dark glasses
— Donald J. Drumpf (@RealDonalDrumpf) May 13, 2016
PLEASE @nbcsnl tell us you are going to squeeze in a John Miller skit by tomorrow!
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) May 13, 2016
You should meet my friends John Miller and John Barron. They’re both not here right now but if you let me leave, one of them will show up.
— Donald Trump (@DonnyTrumpy) May 13, 2016
We STILL have not seen John Miller‘s birth certificate.
— Lisa Vikingstad (@LisaVikingstad) May 13, 2016