Emma Stone on Leak of Her Email in Sony Hack: ‘It Was Horrible. I Cried for Like an Hour’

The actress also discusses passing on Paul Feig’s all-female “Ghostbusters” and sidesteps questions about whether she’s still dating Andrew Garfield

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It was bad enough that the Sony hack exposed Emma Stone‘s cellphone number and email address in a WikiLeaks a few weeks ago. But it was the response by the actress, who has starred in nine Sony films over her career, that did the real damage.

“I did one of the worst things ever, which was react really quickly,” Stone said in an interview Wednesday with the Wall Street Journal. “I was getting all these emails and texts from people I didn’t know — ‘Hi, I’m Joe from the U.K. I like your movies’ — and I was so overwhelmed that I went to my inbox and I deleted all my emails.”

Her impulsive act was as permanent as it was rapid. “In about a 30-second span, I hit ‘Select All’ and ‘Delete Forever,’ and thousands of emails, like six years of emails, are now gone forever,” she told the paper. “I was just so freaked out that someone was in there.”

While no one appears to have logged into her personal email account, she still felt violated after receiving what she admits were about five emails and five texts from strangers.

She is still dealing with the fallout from her email-deleting reaction. “It was horrible. I cried for like an hour,” she said. “Most of the emails I’m mourning I can still talk to the person and get them back. But there’s others where the person is actually gone. It really sucks.”

The 26-year-old star, an Oscar nominee for last year’s “Birdman,” also told the paper that she turned down a role in Paul Feig‘s upcoming all-female remake of “Ghostbusters.”

“The script was really funny,” she said, admitting that she was reluctant to leap into another multi-film franchises so soon after her back-to-back “Amazing Spider-Man” roles. “It just didn’t feel like the right time for me. A franchise is a big commitment — it’s a whole thing. I think maybe I need a minute before I dive back into that water.”

Speaking of commitments, the famously private actress sidestepped questions about the status of her relationship with longtime boyfriend and “Spider-Man” co-star Andrew Garfield amid widespread rumors of a recent breakup.

“See, I never talk about this stuff for this exact reason — because it’s all so speculative and baseless,” Stone told WSJ. “Once you start responding — once you’re like, ‘No, that’s not true’ — then they’re like, ‘Well, if we push enough, we’ll get a comment, so let’s see what else we can make up.’”

She added, “It’s so special to me that it never feels good to talk about, so I just continually don’t talk about it.”

Read the full story on the Wall Street Journal.
