Eminem Drops Surprise Album ‘Kamikaze’ and Fans Can’t Handle It (Audio)

“Yeah sex is good but have you ever listened to a surprise album from @Eminem on the Friday before a 3 day weekend?” one Twitter user writes

This is not a drill: Eminem dropped a surprise album overnight and fans can’t handle the news — or the lyrics on “Kamikaze.” Imagine how the emcees Slim Shady calls out across 13 tracks must feel about this angry response to the unfavorable reception of Marshall Mathers’ previous release “Revival”?

Pretty much no one is safe on this one — and that danger zone extends beyond his fellow rappers and all the way to Harvey Weinstein and Donald Trump, among plenty of other on-wax victims.

Below are some of the choice Twitter reactions to “Kamikaze” (that are clean enough for us to share). The album is currently for sale on iTunes for $9.99.

Our readers can listen to Track No. 3, “Lucky You” (feat. Joyner Lucas) by clicking “Play” above. We’ve got another new song for you at the bottom of this post.







Here’s what Eminem posted on his own Twitter page:

Yes, that cover art is an homage to fellow white rapper the Beastie Boys’ 1986 release, “Licensed to Ill.” See that one here:

Licensed to Ill cover

Finally, here is that second track we promised:
