Elon Musk said he met with Tim Cook at Apple’s headquarters and “resolved the misunderstanding” over Twitter’s potential removal from the app store.
“Thanks @tim_cook for taking me around Apple’s beautiful HQ,” Musk tweeted Wednesday afternoon before later writing, “Good conversation. Among other things, we resolved the misunderstanding about Twitter potentially being removed from the App Store. Tim was clear that Apple never considered doing so.”
The meeting came just two days after Musk claimed that Apple had “threatened” to pull Twitter from its iOS app store.
“Apple has also threatened to withhold Twitter from its App Store, but won’t tell us why,” the Tesla CEO wrote Monday, also claiming that “Apple has mostly stopped advertising on Twitter.”
“Do they hate free speech in America?” Musk continued. “What’s going on here @tim_cook?”
Musk continued his Apple critique Monday, retweeting posts like “Apple should support free speech,” and tweeting, “did you know Apple puts a secret 30% tax on everything you buy through their App Store?”
The apparent resolution also followed Twitter’s new statement titled “Twitter 2.0” posted Wednesday, which announced Twitter as “a new company embarking on a new chapter” that is “better positioned to realize our ambitions than ever before.”
Most significantly, the statement affirmed that Twitter is “embracing public testing,” an element the company claims will enable it “to move faster and gather user feedback in real-time.”
“We believe that a service of this importance will benefit from feedback at scale, and that there is value in being open about our experiments and what we are learning,” the statement read.