Ellen Page, Kate Mara Prove Small Size Matters in ‘True Detective’ Spoof (Video)

The short actresses team up for Funny or Die satire of HBO’s lauded drama series

Move over, Colin Farrell and Vince Vaughn; there are two new detectives in town.

“Juno” star Ellen Page and “House of Cards” actress Kate Mara have teamed up for a new Funny or Die video that offers an idea of what the second season of the HBO drama “True Detective” might look like if Farrell and Vaughn, who’ve been tapped to star in the upcoming season, were replaced by a pair of short female detectives.

Also read: ‘True Detective’ Casting of Colin Farrell, Vince Vaughn Draws Early Grumbling From Fans

The skit, dubbed “Tiny Detectives,” finds Page and Mara grappling with issues that Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson never had to contend with.

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