Ellen DeGeneres Foes One Million Moms Drop JCPenney Firing Campaign

Conservative group One Million Moms moves on from trying to oust Ellen DeGeneres from her gig as a spokeswoman for JCPenney

Ellen DeGeneres can breathe easy — she won't be joining the ranks of the unemployed for the time being.

One Million Moms, the pro-advocacy group that had been calling for DeGeneres' ousting as a spokesperson for JCPenney, has called off its campaign, the group's director Monica Cole told One News Now.

Also read: One Million Moms to JCPenney: Ellen's Gay — Fire Her

Cole did claim a small victory in its campaign, however, claiming that many of its members have vowed not to show at the retailer as long as DeGeneres remains affiliated with the company.

Also read: Ellen DeGeneres Thanks Bill O'Reilly for Support Over JCPenney

"[W]e have heard back from so many of our members," Cole said. "We have heard back from men and women — not just moms — saying they will no longer shop there at JC Penney, as long as Ellen DeGeneres is their spokesperson."

Also read: Ellen DeGeneres on JCPenney Protesters: Haters Motivate Me (Video)

The group launched its protest earlier this year, urging the company to drop DeGeneres as its spokesperson because she is gay.

"Funny that JCPenney thinks hiring an open homosexual spokesperson will help their business when most of their customers are traditional families," the group wrote on its website. "DeGeneres is not a true representation of the type of families that shop at their store. The majority of JC Penney shoppers will be offended and choose to no longer shop there."

Outside of the group's supporters, however, the protest largely fell on deaf ears. JCPenney firmly stood behind its decision to hire DeGeneres, and even staunchly conservative commentator Bill O'Reilly characterized One Million Moms' campaign as a "witch hunt."

One Million Moms — which is affiliated with the American Family Association — has not yet responded to TheWrap's request for comment, quite possibly because it is busy with its latest campaign: Getting sponsors to pull their ads from the new ABC series "GCB" because it's supposedly anti-Christian.
