Discovery’s ‘Eaten Alive’ Sparks Viewer Outrage After Paul Rosolie Doesn’t Get Eaten (Video)

“The only thing that anaconda swallowed were the two hours of my life I’ll never get back,” one angry watcher wrote on Twitter

Eaten Alive

Discovery Channel’s “Eaten Alive” special did not go exactly according to plan, nor did it live up to its name/hype — and viewers are not happy.

Apparently, the chosen giant anaconda did not find naturalist and show star Paul Rosolie appetizing enough — readers can insert their own Sir Mix-a-Lot “Baby Got Back” line joke about his “buns” here.

Perhaps the snake would have gotten around to actually trying to consume Rosolie — eventually — but the star of the Discovery experiment was forced to tap out after losing feeling in his arm, believing the limb to be at its breaking point.

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