3.8 Magnitude Earthquake Rattles Malibu Early Sunday Morning

There were no reports of injuries or damages from the quake, which was felt widely throughout Los Angeles

The coastal city of Malibu, CA (Getty)

A 3.8 magnitude earthquake centered just off the coast of Malibu, CA jolted many residents awake early Sunday.

The tremblor struck at approximately 2:29am, according to the United States Geological Survey. It was initially reported at a 4.1 magnitude but downgraded to 3.8. Local authorities said there were no reports of injuries or damages.

According to the USGS intensity maps, the quake was felt throughout Los Angeles, as far north as Lompoc and as far south as San Diego.

The coastal city of Malibu is home to many celebrities, including Cher and Jennifer Aniston. Even Barbie calls Malibu home. It lies approximately 32 miles west of Los Angeles.

Many residents hopped on Twitter to confirm it happened, and both #earthquake and #Malibu were trending Sunday morning.

Several used the quake to criticize Elon Musk’s recent limit on viewing tweets, saying Twitter is a vital source of information during disasters and other crises.
