Dwayne Johnson and a score of Avengers, including Chris Hemsworth, Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans, have topped Forbes’ annual list of the highest-paid actors of 2019. The list is a big change from last year when George Clooney held the top spot and is now absent from the list. Check out the other actors who earned big paydays this year.

10. Will Smith – Earnings: $35 million
Will Smith is having a strong 2019, leading a $1 billion movie in Disney’s live-action remake of “Aladdin” and acting as his younger self in the upcoming “Gemini Man” from director Ang Lee.

9. Paul Rudd – Earnings: $41 million
See, it pays to be one of the nicest guys in Hollywood.

8. Chris Evans – Earnings: $43.5 million
Though his days as Captain America are done, Chris Evans is also starring this year in “Knives Out,” director Rian Johnson’s eccentric murder mystery.

6. Adam Sandler (tie) – Earnings: $57 million
According to Netflix, Adam Sandler had a huge hit this year with “Murder Mystery,” his comedy with Jennifer Aniston. Also in 2019, Sandler also hosted “SNL,” rode the success of his comedy special and is starring in the indie “Uncut Gems” playing at Toronto this fall.

6. Bradley Cooper (tie) – Earnings: $57 million
Forbes explains that only a portion of Bradley Cooper’s big payday came from his voice work on “Avengers: Endgame.” A huge chunk of his earnings (70%) came from writing, directing, starring in and co-producing “A Star Is Born,” which saw him forfeit his upfront salary in support of the Oscar-winning blockbuster.

5. Jackie Chan – Earnings: $58 million
The beloved martial artist has appeared in three films this year, including “Journey to China: The Mystery of Iron Mask,” which was released in China this month.

4. Akshay Kumar – Earnings: $65 million
Bollywood star Akshay Kumar moved up from last year and has had a busy 2019. He has had several projects this year, including “Mission Mangal,” the recently released drama about an Indian Space Research Organization launching a rover to Mars.

3. Robert Downey Jr. – Earnings: $66 million
Robert Downey Jr.’s days as Iron Man are done, but he’ll be back on top of the list soon with the planned “The Voyage of Doctor Doolittle” and “Sherlock Holmes 3.”

2. Chris Hemsworth – Earnings: $76.4 million
Chris Hemsworth’s Thor made it out of “Avengers: Endgame” alive, and he’ll return in 2021’s “Thor: Love and Thunder.” He also starred in “Men in Black: International” earlier this year and has stretched his comedic chops.

1. Dwayne Johnson – Earnings: $89.4 million
No surprises here. Forbes said that The Rock is getting paid $23.5 million upfront for “Jumanji: The Next Level,” and he gets paid a cool $700,000 per episode of HBO’s “Ballers.” That doesn’t include the royalties earned from his many brands and deals, specifically with Under Armour.