Fox Nation is launching the 10-part reality series “Duck Family Treasure,” a spinoff of A&E’s “Duck Dynasty,” this June, Jason Klarman, president of the platform said Wednesday.
“Since adding the coveted ‘Duck Dynasty’ series to our platform in 2020, the response from our subscribers proved they were in the market for more. We’re proud to offer this original one-of-a-kind show in addition to our already extensive library of lifestyle and entertainment content,” Klarman said in a statement.
“Duck Family Treasure” will focus on brothers Jase and Jep Robertson as they hunt for buried treasure and rare artifacts with their Uncle Si and history expert Murry Crowe. Missy and Jessica Robertson, Jase and Jep’s wives, as well as other members of the Robertson family, will also be featured on the series.
“Duck Dynasty,” which made pop culture stars of the Robertson family of West Monroe, Louisiana, aired on A&E from 2012 to 2017. Outdoor Channel acquired rerun rights to “Duck Dynasty” in 2016 and Fox Nation added the series in 2020. In 2013, the fourth-season premiere drew 11.8 million viewers, making it the most-watched nonfiction cable series in history at the time.
Warm Springs Productions is producing alongside executive producer Jase Robertson and the Robertsons’ Tread Lively Entertainment with Korie Robertson and Zach Dasher serving as executive producers. Chris Richardson and Marc Pierce will serve as executive Producers for Warm Springs.