‘Duck Dynasty’ Star Phil Robertson Sees No Need for Universal Health Care: ‘It’s Given to Me by God’ (Video)

“I’m guaranteed to be raised from the dead,” former reality star says of his “eternal plan”

If you can’t afford healthcare, worry not, says “Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson: The Almighty is currently offering a premium “eternal” healthcare plan for free.

In an interview with Fox Business on Tuesday, the former reality TV star said God’s healthcare plan also comes with some rather promising perks, including being raised from the dead.

“Kamala Harris… says elect me, and everything is free,” Robertson told Neil Cavuto. “Look, everybody can have their own healthcare, the government’s gonna finance the whole thing. It is not going to cost but 30 trillion. I’m offering you the greatest deal you ever had. Elect me and everything will be free.”

“She is saying that other people have been getting away with financial murder, will pay for it, the rich, including you,” Cavuto interjected.

It was then that Robertson went into a rift about the godly healthcare plan.

“What I’m saying is that Kamala, I already have healthcare. It’s given to me by God,” he said. “Eternal health care. I’m guaranteed to be raised from the dead. I have life and immortality given to me by God through Jesus Christ.”

A stunned Cavuto rightfully noted that “people get sick on Earth.”

Robertson said that doctors only provide a “temporary reprieve.”

“Doctors can give you a temporary reprieve but they cannot save you from physical death,” Robertson said. “The doctors who treat you, they die too.”

“You’re not dismissing that we, people need healthcare, right?” Cavuto then asked.

Robertson said it wasn’t necessary, adding that he didn’t have healthcare for 50 years and didn’t need it.

Watch the video above.
