It’s almost time for presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump to select his running mate. Luckily, online gambling site Bovada has posted the odds for what it says are the 10 most likely candidates, from Newt Gingrich to Sarah Palin to Newt Gingrich to Joni Ernst.
Here are possible candidates ranked from longest longshots to best bets.
Ben Carson’s odds are slim at 66/1. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to say he’s an unlikely pick — Trump has said he wants someone with experience in government.
Sarah Palin was John McCain’s vice presidential nominee in 2008 and has made a series of very public appearances in support of Trump. But two reality stars on the ticket? She’s at 33/1.
New Mexico governor Susana Martinez is also long shot at 33/1, but Fox News host Bill O’Reilly once called her “the only choice” if Trump wants to win.
Former Arizona governor Jan Brewer, 33/1, could help Trump in Western states.
John Kasich hasn’t endorsed Trump yet, odds say it’s 25/1 that he’ll wind up on the ticket. Plus, he was one of several rivals whom Trump has name-checked as possible cabinet material.
Alabama senator Jeff Sessions used to be the favorite at 9/4, but the head of Trump’s national security advisory group has slipped to 15/2.
Indiana Gov. Mike Pence has picked up momentum recently, entering the Top 10 with 15/2 odds that he becomes Trump’s running mate.
Sen. Bob Corker is listed at 15/2, but the Tennesseean has taken himself out of consideration, according to Politico.
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, 15/2, has endorsed Trump and could form a tough-talking — if geographically narrow — ticket. Only the Hudson River separates his home state from Trump’s.
Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst is the woman with the best odds — 5/2. She once boasted in a campaign ad about castrating pigs.
Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich is a favorite at 3/2 odds. ’90s nostalgists may love the idea of Gingrich facing off with a Clinton. But will anyone else?