Donald Trump Targeted by Petition Urging Macy’s to Dump Him Over Birther Comments

Online petition to get Macy's to get rid of Donald Trump as a spokesman has amassed more than half a million signatures… and counting

Donald Trump might have his famous catchphrase "You're fired" turned on him soon, if a growing number of people have their way.

"Apprentice" personality and perennial loudmouth Trump has been targeted by an online petition urging Macy's to drop Trump as a spokesman. (Among his other ties to the company, the curiously-coifed real-estate mogul sells his clothing line and fragrance through the retail giant.)

Getty ImagesThe petition cites Trump's perpetuation of the "birther" theory that President Barack Obama might not be a natural-born citizen, along with other "unpleasant, nasty and inexplicable behavior."

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"Donald Trump does not reflect the 'magic of Macy's,'" the petition reads. "We urge you to sever ties with him. Macy's says it has a strong obligation to be 'socially responsible' and that 'actions speak louder than words.' Indeed. It's time to act."

Those interested in reading the petition can do so here.

The petition was created by Angelo Carusone, who also organized the anti-Glenn Beck campaign, StopBeck. The Trump petition has so far amassed more than 500,000 signatures and will eventually be presented to Macy's Chairman, CEO and President Terry J. Lundgren.

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“If I stood inside a Macy's store and said the things that Trump has said, security would escort me out,” Carusone said in a statement. “This is about taking away the system of perverse incentives that rewards Donald Trump for continued outbursts of sexism, bigotry and just plain meanness.”

Following the re-election of Obama, Trump went on a Twitter rampage, urging people to "march on Washington and stop stop this travesty."

Macy's appears to be unfazed by the petition, telling TheWrap in a statement that Trump's beliefs are not those of the company and that it's not unusual for a company and its spokespeople to have differing opinions.

"Macy’s marketing and merchandise offerings are not representative of any political position," the statement reads. "Many of the individuals associated with products sold at Macy's – or at any retailer, for that matter – express personal opinions that are not related to the merchandise we sell or to the philosophies of our company. In our merchandise assortment, we strive to meet our customers' expectations for unique and interesting products across a broad array of styles, categories and brands. This allows our customers to choose what they prefer."
