Samantha Bee Tries to Reason With Donald Trump Supporters (Video)

“Full Frontal” host gathers multi-ethnic group to discuss popularity of candidate

Samantha Bee did her best to have a rational, calm conversation with Donald Trump supporters on this week’s episode of “Full Frontal.”

Bee gathered together a group of well-educated, young and multi-ethnic people who support Trump, and then asked them why they like him so much.

What she got was plenty of criticism for her role in the media machinery that is supposedly aligned against Trump, as well the repetition of Trump claims that he’s going to build a wall on the Mexican-U.S. border that the Mexican government will pay for in entirety.

A young black man who was part of the group said he appreciated the fact that Trump “speaks in an old way,” to which Bee replied, “Like an old racist.”

Watch the video above.
