Donald Trump picked his new media target on Thursday — “wacky nut job” Glenn Beck.
Beck must have said something to set off the Donald because the GOP frontrunner really let him have it on Twitter.
“Wacky @glennbeck who always seems to be crying (worse than Boehner) speaks badly of me only because I refuse to do his show–a real nut job!” the real estate mogul turned politician tweeted.
He followed up with a tweet warning of the big trouble Beck represents: “I hear @glennbeck is in big trouble. Unlike me, his viewers & ratings are way down & he has become irrelevant–glad I didn’t do his show.”
But one conservative media figure wasn’t enough for Trump. Moments later, he celebrated Erick Erickson’s departure from the right-wing blog Red State.
“Wow, great news! I hear @EWErickson of Red State was fired like a dog. If you read his tweets, you’ll understand why. Just doesn’t have IT!”
The latest media bullets fired by Trump come after he engaged in a Twitter spat with Politico for the second time in weeks on Wednesday for its coverage of him.