Donald Trump Not Afraid of Michael Bloomberg Run: ‘I Would Love the Competition’

The battle of the billionaires begins

Donald Trump Michael Bloomberg

And you thought one billionaire in the 2016 race was interesting.

It seems Donald Trump isn’t too worried about the possibility that Michael Bloomberg may throw his hat into the 2016 presidential race.

“I would love to see Michael run — I would love the competition,” Trump said right before a rally in Iowa on Saturday.

On Saturday the New York Times and CNN both reported that Bloomberg is seriously considering an independent presidential run and is looking at making a decision sometime in March.

Asked to compare his own business achievements to those of Bloomberg, a billionaire media mogul, Trump said, “It’s different kinds of business, it’s a very different kind of business, but I would say that if he ran, I’d be very happy about it.”

According to the Times, Trump declined to criticize Bloomberg, though he did say that the former New York City mayor was, “The opposite of me in many ways — opposite on guns, opposite on numerous issues.”

An interesting side note: last week Trump told ABC News that he thinks Bloomberg would draw votes from his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.
