Sorry, Donald Trump fans: the real-estate mogul/reality TV personality won't be throwing his hat into the presidential race — or making any announcements about his political aspirations — during the two-part season finale of "Celebrity Apprentice," which begins on May 15 at 9 p.m.(and concludes the following Sunday).
Trump's political adviser, Trump Organization executive Michael Cohen, tells TheWrap that the Donald won't be making any revelations about his decision to run for president on the show's season conclusion. Trump was quoted April 14 telling the New York Times, “I am thinking of saying on the live finale of ‘The Apprentice’ on May 22 that in a few days I will be making an announcement about my decision."
Also read: "Donald Trump: The Rise and Flameout of a Presidential Run"
(Trump was apparently confused about the "Celebrity Apprentice" finale being live; the show's publicist told the National Journal that both installments will be pre-taped.)
Cohen did, however, tell The Wrap that there's a distinct possibility that Trump will make some sort of announcement either before or after the finale, though he's not certain which channel Trump would use to make the announcement.
"He doesn't need 'The Apprentice' as a forum for doing it," Cohen noted. "He could stand on a street corner and do it and instantly attract the attention of thousands of people."
Trump has repeatedly stated that he won't announce his decision to run until "Celebrity Apprentice" has ended its season, presumably to avoid accusations of having an unfair media soapbox for his campaign. (Holding off on the news is also a pretty crafty way of sustaining interest in the show, too.)
While Cohen might not be clear on exactly when, or even how, Trump will finally break the suspense about his presidential run, Cohen says that the Donald will let the country know one way or another before June 1, in accordance with Trump's previous statements.
"One thing I can tell you is that the answer will be forthcoming before the June 1st date," Cohen said.