Donald Trump Moonlights as TV Booker for Harvey Levin’s New Show, Scores Bibi as Guest

TMZ Founder is on his way to Israel to interview Israeli prime-minister, insider tells TheWrap

Donald Trump, Harvey Levin and Benjamin Bibi
Donald Trump, Harvey Levin and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

File this one under: Say what now?

It seems the President of the United States of America — who is dealing with a counter-intelligence investigation against him (allegedly), a combative Congress and, well, running a country — has been moonlighting as a TV booker, wrangling guests for Harvey Levin’s upcoming new show, “OBJECTified.”

According to ENTITY, President Trump helped set up an interview between the TMZ founder and Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu.

Trump reportedly obliged, placing the call from the Oval Office to Bibi in Jerusalem. And Bibi, it seems, agreed.

Representatives for Levin, Trump and Netanyahu did not immediately respond to TheWrap’s request for comments. But a TMZ insider, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, told TheWrap Levin was on his way to Israel Thursday.

Levin, who has become one of Trump’s cheerleader-in-chiefsmet with the president in March to discuss his new TV show and try and recruit major players like Tom Brady for his upcoming season.

Trump and Netanyahu have a close relationship, one the New York Times recently called a “budding political symbiosis.”

Editor’s note: The writer of this article was a TMZ producer in 2011. 
