Fox News host Megyn Kelly stopped by the post-Super Bowl 50 edition of “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” last night to talk Trump.
“Why is Fox News feuding with Donald Trump?” Colbert sarcastically asked. “What do you have against that good man?”
“Donald Trump has been on Fox News 140 times in the past year so we are not feuding with him,” Kelly said. “But he does have a beef with me.”
Colbert then read tweets Trump has directed at Kelly, including one in which he said, “I refuse to call Megyn Kelly a bimbo, because that would not be politically correct. Instead I will only call her a lightweight reporter!”
“The Late Show” host then offered Kelly a chance to “refuse” to call Trump something. Colbert suggested “blowhard” and “second-place loser” but Kelly took the high road.
“He recently said that his supporters are so devoted to him that they could go in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and he wouldn’t lose a single voter,” Kelly said. “In response to which, I was going to ask him, ‘Were you talking about me?’”
The feud started when Kelly famously asked Trump a question about his treatment of women while co-moderating a GOP debate on her network last year. Trump didn’t like the question; he eventually threatened to skip the next Fox News debate if Kelly returned to moderate. Fox News boss Roger Ailes stood by Kelly and Trump skipped the debate.
But Kelly might get a chance to ask Trump whatever she wants, since Fox News is scheduled to host another GOP debate next month.