Donald Trump Is Being Body Shamed, Amber Tamblyn Says

Actress takes aim at statues depicting GOP presidential nominee naked

Donald Trump on Meet the Press

Amber Tamblyn has a message for the world — don’t body shame Donald Trump.

The “Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants” actress fired up her Facebook account over the weekend and took aim at the naked statues of GOP nominee Donald Trump that popped up in cities including Los Angeles and New York last week.

According to Tamblyn, the statues are a classic case of body shaming — and, perhaps even worse, unoriginal.

“Body shaming is never okay, even when it comes to Trump. These statues aren’t art,” Tamblyn wrote. “They are a lazy, unoriginal concept, stolen mind you, from Illma Gore’s painting which already made this exact same point earlier this year.”

Tamblyn concluded, “This is wholly unoriginal and uncreative.”

The statues of Trump sporting a yuge belly (and not-so-yuge genitalia) were reportedly the work of the art collective INDECLINE, which dubbed the project, “The Emperor Has No Balls,” a randy play on the Hans Christian Andersen short story “The Emperor’s New Clothes.”

The New York statue, which was located in Union Square, was quickly removed by the city’s parks authority, which took its own jab at the Donald in a statement explaining the removal.

“NYC Parks stands firmly against any unpermitted erection in city parks, no matter how small,” the statement said.
