Jeb Bush hit back at Donald Trump on Tuesday, releasing a scathing campaign ad that reveals the “real Donald Trump.”
The 90-second attack ad shows Trump over the years endorsing single-payer health care, raising taxes on the wealthy and Hillary Clinton as a good negotiator against Iran.
“Hillary Clinton I think is a terrific woman,” Trump is shown saying. One clip shows Trump identifying as pro-choice — a no-no in Republican politics; he’s also shown saying he identifies more as a Democrat.
Bush’s ad comes in response to a Trump Instagram ad release Monday that slammed Bush on his immigration stance.
The escalation between the GOP frontrunner and Bush — who most pundits assumed would be the frontrunner at the on-set of the campaign — bodes well for CNN, who has the next presidential debate on Sept. 16.
Trump and Bush didn’t really get into it at the Fox News debate, but now that he’s been attacked by Bush in the first of what will likely be a negative ad monsoon against him, Trump is most definitely likely to respond strongly.