Kanye West Defeats Donald Trump in The New Yorker’s Throwback 1948 Cover

“Trump Defeats Kayne” foreshadows upset in 2020 presidential election

The New Yorker isn’t taking Kanye West’s vow to run for president in 2020 lightly, so the magazine produced a cover lampooning the results of the election five years in the future.

“Trump Defeats Kanye” (pictured above) features a throwback to the classic 1948 Chicago Daily Tribune front page that wrongly reported “Dewey Defeats Truman.”

“Kanye’s 2020 Vision,” by Barry Blitt, fast-forwards the iconic cover to the Kayne age, comparing the husband of Kim Kardashian to former president Harry Truman.


“When one considers Mr. West, it doesn’t take a whole lot of imagination to be reminded of another scrappy kid who won the Presidency, back in 1948, against all odds. The press wrote him off, too,” Blitt wrote.
