Don Cheadle made it perfectly clear Saturday night why he’s not much of a Donald Trump fan, claiming on Twitter that the current president once used the racially charged N-word during a golf tournament with the father of one of the actor’s friends.
“Hated him since he asked my friend’s father at a Doral pro-am if he ever ‘f—ed a n—-r…’” the Oscar-nominated actor tweeted on Sunday. “Did it for me.”
The star of Showtime’s “House of Lies” offered no further details about the alleged encounter, such as when exactly it occurred or the identity of his “famous” friend — or her father.
The POTUS’ spokesperson didn’t immediately respond to TheWrap’s request for comment.
The assertion left many of Cheadle’s Twitter followers doubtful of the unsubstantiated claim while some defenders dismissed it as more “locker room talk.”
“If I taped her father swearing to it on a stack of bibles you’d STILL say it was a lie and you know it,” Cheadle wrote about demands to substantiate his claims. “There’s no compelling ‘proof’ for U.”
Cheadle also chided Trump supporters who were quick to defend the president despite his questionable record on race issues throughout his real estate career. “Aw, what’s a couple of N bombs between friends?” he asked.
And the conversation between him and the skeptics evolved from there. Here’s a tiny slice of the Twitter pie.
@DonCheadle did you mention this during campaign? Not that it likely would have changed some minds but wow. That’s a punch in the gut.
— Anne with an “e” (@mrsmaris) March 4, 2017
@DonCheadle all due respect to you: cannot believe such a thing would be said this day and age. A public figure would say this? Naive, i am
— Joel Richman (@richman_joel) March 5, 2017
Your father’s friends’ brother’s uncle?
That settles it then.— BayAreaFrau (@bayareahausfrau) March 5, 2017
@DonCheadle will your friend’s father go on the record?
— Jeff Jarvis (@jeffjarvis) March 4, 2017
More “locker room talk”?
— Borzou Daragahi (@borzou) March 5, 2017
@DonCheadle @BrandHoffa maybe that info would of been handy to the public before the election?
— Sam Fraulino (@samfraulino) March 5, 2017
@DonCheadle But continued to play? Did not speak up? What kind of pussy is that? Stick to acting Don, thats what you do best!
— Kristian Mikalsen (@Kristianmik) March 5, 2017
@davegrapes @DonCheadle no proof I call theatrical bullshit
— The Beagle (@golfbollox) March 5, 2017