Dominate the #See20Do20 Push-Up Challenge With WWE Superstar Dana Brooke’s Quarantine Workout

WrapWomen LA Blog: Quarantine never looked so good

Ashley Sebera aka WWE Superstar Dana Brooke (Photographer: IMK McGehee and Alexander Fenyves, Styling: Enrique Melendez, Hair: Sophia Porter, Makeup: Tiffany Kilgore)

There are two types of friend groups on social media in quarantine — the ones who nominate you for drinking challenges and the ones who nominate you for workout challenges. Having been a USC sorority girl, I figured I would only be swarmed with excuses to post cute videos of myself drinking rosé. So, you can image my surprise when my colleague — not naming names (cough, cough, Trey Williams) nominated me for the #See20Do20 push-up challenge.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the #See20Do20 push-up challenge, you film a video of yourself doing 20 push-ups, post it on your Instagram story and nominate other people in your friend group to do 20 push-ups in response. I know what you’re thinking: I already look like an awkward hyena when I do push-ups and now I have to post a video of myself doing them on Instagram where every ex-boyfriend I ever had can see it?!

Up until this point, my only exercise in quarantine had been eye rolling, jumping to conclusions, walking to the kitchen and opening the refrigerator. I just figured I would get a two-week warning before things go back to normal and then crush it on the healthy eating and working out before I have to see people again. But this push-up challenge was a game changer.

At first, I started doing my own workouts. Since the gyms are closed, I tried getting creative. At one point I thought it would be a good idea to watch “Tiger King” and do a burpee every time someone said “Carole Baskin” and a sit-up anytime I saw someone with a missing tooth. After five minutes, I gave up and almost had my mom call an ambulance. It was at that moment, I decided it was time to reach out for professional help.

So, I asked Ashley Sebera, a.k.a. WWE Superstar Dana Brooke, for her quarantine workout. She gave me this super-fun home workout to help get back in shape. Before I knew it, I felt confident and ready for my #See20Do20 push-up challenge. Disclaimer: Looking and feeling this good may result in increased DM’s.

What You’ll Need:

  • Kitchen chair
  • Gallon jug
  • Bottled waters
  • Pillows
  • Jump rope
  • Towel

Jump Rope

  • 2 mins straight

3x Through


  • 25 jumping jacks
  • 20 high knees (running in place)
  • 15 push ups
  • 25 sumo legged squats with gallon jug of water overhead
  • 15 chair dips
  • 25 weighted or banded rows
  • 8 push-up position knee to elbow – straight up straight leg – opposite leg and arm
  • 12 Supermans on belly
  • 12 each leg chair lunges – put back leg on chair and lunge


  • 5 butterfly sit-ups 5 regular sit ups 5 sissy sit-ups (legs up in the air)
  • 10 laying leg raises (abs)
  • 25 banded or weighted Bicep curls with water bottles
  • 50 single arm shoulder press 5lb weight or 2 water bottles- seated on chair
  • 50 pillow punches
  • 20 banded or weighted chest press
