How Many Credits Scenes Does ‘Doctor Strange 2’ Have?

This is an MCU movie we’re talking about here

Marvel Studios

Welcome to the multiverse!

“Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness” has arrived. In this adventure, which serves as both a sequel to 2016’s “Doctor Strange” and a direct follow-up to both the Disney+ original series “WandaVision” and last year’s blockbuster “Spider-Man: No Way Home” (where Doctor Strange co-starred with Spider-Man). This time around, the good Doctor (once again played by Benedict Cumberbatch) teams up with Wanda aka the Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) and newcomer America Chavez (Xochitl Gomez) on a multiverse-hopping trek. As directed by Sam Raimi, who before helming the initial “Spider-Man” trilogy made movies like “Evil Dead II,” this new “Doctor Strange” is macabre and occasionally quite scary.
