Disney-Pixar’s newest animated flick “The Good Dinosaur” teases an alternate history in which the world-changing dinosaur extinction event never happened.
In the trailer, Earth was never hit by an asteroid that rendered the dinosaurs extinct. An orphaned Apatosaurus named Arlo wanders away from his home in the Clawed-Tooth Mountains one day and stumbles upon a human cave-boy whom he names Spot. Arlo and Spot become fast friends and go on an epic journey together.
From this first look and knowing it’s from the creators of “Finding Nemo” and “Inside Out,” “The Good Dinosaur” promises to be a humorous story about self-discovery, endearing characters and the importance of showing a little kindness to your fellow man (or dinosaur).
Raymond Ochoa voices Arlo, while Jack Bright voices Spot.
“The Good Dinosaur” is directed by Peter Sohn and produced by Denise Ream. This feature film will be Pixar’s second release of the year.
The movie opens in theaters on Nov. 25.