Disney to bootleg Baby Yoda merchandisers: stop it!
The cute breakout star of “The Mandalorian” may have taken the internet by storm in recent months, but Disney isn’t going to sit back and let others cash in with knockoff merchandise. Disney has ordered online retailer Etsy to purge all Baby Yoda items it has for sale, according to The Verge on Friday.
Etsy did not immediately respond to TheWrap’s request for comment.
Several Etsy retailers, who made Baby Yoda merchandise spanning stuffed animals to dice bags, told The Verge their listings were removed after Disney recently complained.
Still, Disney’s efforts to keep all bootleg merchandise offline isn’t going exactly as planned. If you search “Baby Yoda” on Etsy on Saturday, a number of listings still pop up, including $30 Baby Yoda sweaters and several stuffed versions of the small, green humanoid alien.
To keep Baby Yoda — whose official name is “The Child” — a secret, Disney held off on producing a ton of merchandise before he actually debuted on “The Mandalorian,” according to showrunner Jon Favreau. That decision cost Disney several million bucks in merchandise sales last month, according to Jungle Scout, a company dedicated to helping Amazon and online merchants.