Desi Lydic Suggests ‘Garfield Did 9/11’ as a Fun Alternative to Trump’s Lies on ‘The Daily Show’ | Video

Lydic also loses 37 hours listing mistakes Trump has made during a discussion of his insane White House meeting on Wednesday

Desi Lydic blames Garfield for 911 in response to latest Trump lie
Comedy Central

Frustrated with the latest false, self important and self-aggrandizing slogan on a baseball cap peddled by Donald Trump, on Thursday “The Daily Show” host Desi Lydic had an amusing counter.

“if you’re going to own a hat with a ridiculous lie on it, at least make it a fun ridiculous lie,” Lydic suggested. At which point, she blamed the cartoon cat Garfield for 9/11. We laughed.

The bit came mid-way through the opening segment of Wednesday’s episode, which was focused on the equally absurd and terrifying cabinet meeting Donald Trump held in the White House that was essentially overseen by Elon Musk.

She talked about Musk’s admission that he fired people in charge of preventing Ebola outbreaks, and then the blatant falsehood Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told — his utterly false claim that the United States has measles outbreaks every year. To be clear this is absolutely untrue. Measles was eliminated in the U.S. 25 years ago and since then the extremely rare outbreaks we’ve had have been thanks to anti-vaccines fanatics. Sadly, that’s likely to change given Kennedy’s opposition to vaccines.

But anyway, at one point, Lydic struggled because Trump did one arguably good thing.

“Yesterday, he signed an executive order that forces hospitals to be transparent with their prices and look, that seems like a good idea, and I am perfectly capable of admitting it when Donald Trump did something goo-,” she said.

“When Donald Trump did something goo-,” Lydic said again, struggling to finish the sentence. “When Donald Trump did something goo– I can’t say it. I can’t say it. Why is this so hard? Thank God. Those don’t come along very often.”

“Of course, because it’s Donald Trump, most people will never hear about this price transparency thing,” Lydic noted, because Trump is more interested in self promotional garbage, at which point she played a clip of Trump showing a baseball cap that had “Trump was right about everything” on the front.

“Okay, first of all, that is way too much text, guys, if your hat needs a bookmark, it’s not a good hat. And look, I hate to quibble with the hat, but Trump wasn’t right about everything. Okay, there were a couple of small things. I don’t know. Haitian immigrants weren’t eating cats and dogs. There wasn’t $50 million worth of condoms sent to Gaza. Belgium is not a city. The 2020 election wasn’t stolen. China doesn’t China doesn’t operate the Panama Canal, nor does it,” Lydic continued. At this point the screen cut to a title card that said “37 hours later.”

“And the best taco bowls are not made at the Trump Tower grill,” she said. That’s when the Garfield joke happened.

“But yes, other than that, Trump was right about everything. Now I’m not trying to be a hater, but if you’re going to own a hat with a ridiculous lie on it, at least make it a fun ridiculous lie, which is why I’m selling these: “Garfield did 9/11. Get yours today before he finishes the job.”

Watch the whole “The Daily Show” segment below:
