In the wake of the first post-election “Black-ish” episode, Deon Cole told TMZ that the hit ABC show in which he stars is not “Anti-Trump” and instead aims to be bigger than the incoming president.
“We’re not anti-Trump,” said the actor. “We’re just stating how people in America view it from our standpoint. We wasn’t just talking about how black people see it, too. Because they voted for him. So they had to express how they felt for even voting for him.”
The post-election episode, “Lemons,” shows the Clinton-supporting Johnson family coping with Trump’s victory both at home and at work. At Dre’s office, a passionate debate breaks out as Dre’s co-workers come forward about who they voted for, including Lucy (Catherine Reitman), who says she voted for Trump after supporting Barack Obama in the last two elections.
“I’m not some crazy right-wing nut you guys,” Lucy says. “I voted for Obama twice. I even got my Republican parents to vote for him. He felt different. I believed he was gonna change stuff.”
But, she notes, eight years later and “My dad’s still out of work. My hometown’s about to go under. And Hillary comes out saying she’s basically going to keep everything the same. I’m sorry, but that doesn’t work for me and my family.”
The highlight of the episode is Dre’s passionate speech when his boss suggests that he is apathetic about the results of the election.
“You think I’m not sad that Hillary didn’t win? That I’m not terrified about what Trump’s about to do?” he asks. “I’m used to things not going my way. I’m sorry that you’re not and it’s blowing your mind, so excuse me if I get a little offended because I didn’t see all of this outrage when everything was happening to all of my people since we were stuffed on boats in chains.”
Watch Cole’s comments to TMZ in the clip above.