“Saturday Night Live” has announced the first hosts for its 47th season, with four of them being first-timers. Among them is Kim Kardashian — and actress Debra Messing can’t quite wrap her head around why that happened.
The reality TV star is set to host the second episode of the season, following Owen Wilson, and preceding Rami Malek. Upon learning the news, Messing tweeted her confusion, admitting that she understands that Kardashian is popular and influential but that most hosts are usually brought in to promote an upcoming project.
“Why Kim Kardashian? I mean, I know she is a cultural icon, but SNL has hosts, generally, who are performers who are there to promote a film, TV show, or album launch,” Messing wrote. “Am I missing something?”
In reality (television), Kardashian does have a new project coming up. Though “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” came to an end on E!, the family announced earlier this year that they had signed a multiyear deal to create new content that will stream exclusively on Hulu in the U.S.
No official premiere date was given, but it was announced during Disney’s Investors Day this year that this new series was expected to hit the streaming service in “late 2021.” So it’s entirely possible that Kardashian’s appearance on “SNL” will be tied to that.
Reps for “Saturday Night Live” did not immediately respond to TheWrap’s request for comment.
While some fans pushed back against Messing’s tweet, citing Kardashian’s status as a household name as reason enough for her to host the show, others fully agreed with her sentiments.
“I had the same exact question as soon as I saw that and I still have no answer. I’m sure Kanye will be involved somehow. I’m not sure I want to waste my time with that episode,” one fan responded. “And might I point out, the hosts usually have some kind of talent. Other than being famous for being famous.”