David Lavin, CBS Television Studios Exec, Dies at 57

Veteran business affairs executive battled leukemia

David Lavin

David Lavin, senior vice president of business affairs at CBS Television Studios, has died at age of 57, according to his family.

The veteran TV executive died Wednesday after a battle with leukemia. He had served in business affairs at CBS TV Studios since 2004, handling shows including the “NCIS” franchise and “Star Trek: Discovery.”

He previously served as head of business affairs at Viacom Productions and served as a lecturer at Carnegie Mellon University.

“All of us here are devastated by David’s passing; he was a core member of our business affairs team and such an important part of our CBS family,” David Stapf, CBS TV Studios president, said in a statement. “David was an exceptional, passionate executive who was entrusted with overseeing business matters for many of the studios’ most important series and term deals. We have missed his presence over the past few months during his illness and are deeply saddened by this tragic loss.”

“We have a big hole in our business affairs department today,” added Dan Kupetz, EVP of business affairs. “David was a valued colleague and genuine collaborator, a dear friend, and a true teacher. He had terrific relationships throughout the company, an amazing depth of institutional knowledge and a complete understanding of our business. And, he did his work with genuine enthusiasm and loved to share his knowledge about our business with others. It was a privilege to work day in and day out with David, and we are feeling a tremendous sense of loss. Our heartfelt thoughts and sympathies go out to David’s wife, Karen, and his children, Alex, Samantha and Morgan.”

Lavin is survived by his wife of 32 years, Karen, and three children, Alex, Sami and Morgan. In lieu of flowers, the Lavin family is suggesting donations made in David Lavin’s name to the Leukemia Research Foundation.
