When Fox Weather’s Nick Kosir first started dancing on social media in 2019, he never dreamed he’d hoof his way onto one of his favorite shows, “So You Think You Can Dance.”
Ahead of his guest segment on Wednesday’s episode, in which he goes toe to toe with Season 16 champ Bailey Muñoz and All-Star Comfort, Kosir chatted with TheWrap about how he got started as a dancer, how he’s used his social media platform to raise money for worthy causes, and his favorite “So You Think Can Dance” winner.
TheWrap: You started dancing because you had to do 12 social posts a day for your job, is that right?
Kosir: Yeah, that was when I was working for the Fox affiliate in Charlotte [North Carolina] in 2019. Our bosses told us that we had to post 12 times on social media per day, and as you can imagine, after about a week, I ran out of stuff to post. I had never danced professionally or even really amateurly in my life, but I saw these guys do this dance on my Instagram feed, and I couldn’t stop watching it. And I thought to myself, “I think I might be able to do that.” So I recorded the video of me doing this dance, and didn’t think much of it, put it online, went home, took a nap. And ever since I woke up from that nap, nothing has been the same.
And now you’ve got 2 million followers on Instagram! Where do you get your dance ideas?
It’s kind of evolved over the years. When I first started back in 2019, before TikTok was really a thing, it was just cool stuff that I’d see on Instagram. And now that TikTok has exploded in popularity, I get some ideas from it as well. So it’s kind of a mixture of both. At the end of the day, I just try to do what I think is cool, or hop on a trend that I think is cool. I’m getting up there in age, I’m almost 40, so what I think is cool probably isn’t so cool anymore. But I’m doing my best to keep up with the kids.
How much time do you put into practicing each dance?
I am not a good freestyle dancer. So if you were to just put me in the middle of a dance floor and play a song and say, “All right, go,” I would look like anybody else at a wedding reception. You know, I would just flop my arms around and struggle to stay on beat. So learning choreo is the only way that I can actually trick people into thinking that I’m a good dancer. It takes me at least three or four days of maybe a half hour practice before I feel like I can make a routine look good and smooth. So it takes a while. And usually, I practice in my garage with my dogs. They are very unimpressed with me. They just kind of lay there and they seem very bored the whole time.
When did you tape the “SYTYCD” segment?
We did the segment in April. Everybody on set was so welcoming and accommodating. It was great. I was nervous to meet the All Stars. It’s funny, because they’re younger than me, but they’re huge stars and I’ve been watching them for years. You never know before you meet someone what the vibe and the energy is going to be, but right from the beginning. It was just an instant connection. The vibe was awesome. And, it was a quick shoot, maybe 10 or 20 minutes, but it felt like 10 or 20 seconds because it was just so much fun.
Do you have a favorite winner or All-Star from the past seasons?
No disrespect to Comfort, but I have to say Bailey. Like, 30% of the reason why I like Bailey is because I got to meet his dad, and his dad is awesome. He’s a social media dancing superstar in his own right. So Bailey and his dad are my favorite. Their account on Tik Tok is amazing. It’s very clear to me where he gets his rhythm from, that Bailey.
Tell me about how you recently got to dance with the Triplets Ghetto Kids in Uganda.
When I first saw one of their videos go mega-viral earlier this year, immediately, I just said, “Man, I would love to dance with them.” I posted a comment under the video and a day or two later, I got a DM from them. And they invited me and one of my other social media buddies to come out and dance, and I was like, “Done.” If I could have made it happen, then I would have been on a plane 10 minutes immediately after that. But it took some planning, as any trip from country to country would, but we finally made it happen. And it was awesome, man. It was just one of those experiences that I’ll never forget.
All of those kids are a part of a school and they’ve got a long tradition, a long history of dancing. At this current moment, they’re raising money to build a bigger school. That was a big part of my reason for going there was to help them raise some extra money through visibility.
Is that how all your dance collaborations happen?
Yeah, either someone reaches out to me, or I will see someone and reach out to them and just say, “Hey, I’d love to dance.” And if they’re open to it, or if I’m open to it, then we kind of make it happen from there. So yeah, it’s a good amount of travel. I think my wife thinks that I do this, just to get out of chores on the weekends. Which is only half true.