Things got especially heated on Dan Bongino’s “Unfiltered” on Saturday night, as the host and his guest, Black Lives Matter acitvist Hawk Newsome, got into a shouting match over reactions to police brutality.
During Newsome’s appearance, Bongino confronted the co-founder of BLM for the greater New York area about his comments from earlier in the week, in which he said there would be “riots” and “fire” if incoming New York City mayor Eric Adams makes good on his promise to bring back plainclothes cops in the city.
Bongino called Newsome’s words “threats,” while Newsome maintained that he was just “foreshadowing” what he thinks will happen in that scenario. As the conversation progressed, Bongino became visibly agitated and bluntly asked Newsome, “Do you condemn riots and burning down buildings after a police use-of-force incident you don’t like?”
In response, Newsome said that he isn’t trying to promote the idea rioting or violence, but that he also understands why it happens.
“What I’ll say is, I understand when a police officer unjustifiably kills someone, why people lash out,” Newsome said. “I understand that completely. I’m not going to condemn, nor am I going to condone it.”
That wasn’t the answer, apparently, Bongino was pushing for, so he persisted. The two men repeatedly argued over each other, with Bongino saying Newsome’s response was “cowardly.”
“You seem to talk a lot of junk and then when I put you on the spot you won’t answer a damn question,” Bongino accused. “Do you condone violence or you condemn violence? You’re all over the place. Just condemn violence and burning of buildings down. How hard is it?”

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Bongino kept pushing, until Newsome had enough of being talked over and not listened to.
“Are you gonna let me talk, bro? Like, I’m exhausted. I’m out here working, I’m trying to do these interviews while I’m running a school, while I’m taking care of a family,” Newsome said. “I came on here because I thought I’d have an opportunity to talk.”
Finally, Newsome cut things off abruptly. “No, you’re a coward. You’re trying to bait me. God bless you, man. I’m out of here,” Newsome said, removing the audio wire in his ear.
A rep for Fox News did not immediately respond to TheWrap’s request for comment.
You can watch the full video above.