"The Daily Show" addressed the pope's recent comments about gay clergy members on Tuesday, saying that while Francis said he wouldn't judge gay members of his clergy, he stopped well short of being entirely accepting of homosexuality.
But it was "the best news for gay Catholics since they made a musical about a singing nun" ("The Sound of Music"), Oliver said, going to Senior Vatican Correspondent Aasif Mandvi for more.
Also read: How Pope Francis' Gay Comment Was Oversold by the Media
"This is an entire city orgasming at once!" Mandvi said, noting that "there are a lot of gay clergy here who have been waiting a long time to come out of the ridiculously ornate closet."
But Archbishop of New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan rained on the parade a bit, saying that while the Pope's comment marked a "change in tone," they were in line with the church's long-standing "love the sinner, hate the sin" doctrine: Homosexuality is fine. Homosexual acts are wrong.
This was unwelcome news to Mandvi, who made a run for confession.
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