‘Daily Show’: Murdoch Scandal Gives John Oliver a ‘Schadenfreudegasm’ (Video)

The British correspondent defends the utter inferiority of his country’s media

"Daily Show" correspondent John Oliver put a hilarious spin on the phone-hacking scandal surrounding Rupert Murdoch's News Corp and News of the World on Monday — and coined a helpful new term in the process.

"I'm about to give you a schadenfreudegasm," warned the British comedian before stating that the now-defunct tabloid's dastardly exploits were ultimately thwarted only through the daring of his country's bravest citizen: Hugh Grant.

"That's right," said Oliver, "the guy who got car head from an L.A. road prostitute is now the moral compass of my nation."

The bit found Stewart questioning why Americans should care about the News of the World hacking scandal when the U.S. media is plenty bad on its own.

"The point is," countered Oliver, "do you know how hard it is to disgrace a British tabloid, Jon?

"The News of the World are the people who hired a private detective to learn if Freddie Mercury had HIV. It's true.

"Also, they're the people whose crusade against pedophiles led to a lynch mob attack and attacks on the home of a pediatrician."

Oliver's torrent of Murdoch scandal factoids later caused Jon Stewart to speak for many people throughout the world:

"Oh my god, my balls just crawled back up into my body!"
