‘Daily Show’ Host Trevor Noah: Trump’s White House Casualty Numbers Reaching ‘Saving Private Ryan’ Levels (Video)

“Working for the White House is basically like being in a ‘Saw’ movie,” Noah joked on Tuesday’s show

Another Tuesday means another high profile exit from Donald Trump’s White House — this time it was Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who was fired via tweet Tuesday morning. With that being the big news of the day and the continuation of the unprecedented turnover rate in the Trump administration, Trevor Noah spent a large chunk of Tuesday’s opening segment of “The Daily Show” cracking jokes about it.

“President Trump has fired Secretary of State and human grumpy cat Rex Tillerson. And this just continues an unprecedented run of people quitting or getting fired from the Trump administration. Think about it, we’re not even 14 months in and look at all the people we’ve lost,” Noah said as he displayed a CNN graphic showing 42 people who have quit or been fired so far.
