Twitter is losing its collective mind over how creepy Harry Styles’ stunt double appears on the set of his new music video, with many pointing out his eerie resemblance to “Halloween” baddie Michael Myers.
Fans of the One Direction singer took to Twitter on Thursday, soon after photos emerged of a stuntman wearing what appears to be a mask, while hanging from a helicopter for a music video to accompany Style’s debut solo single.
See Twitter react with horror below:
Harry Styles' stunt double wearing a mask of his face will haunt your dreams
— Andrew Hayden-Smith (@AndrewHaydSmith) April 6, 2017
Harry Styles' stunt double is what you see behind you when your brain screams "don't look in the mirror" but you look anyways
— Kaylin²³ (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`) (@kaylin_416) April 6, 2017
Apparently, the guy on the left is a stunt double for Harry Styles' new video. I can't help thinking I've seen him somewhere before, though!
— Christopher Farrelly (@ChrisFarrelly) April 6, 2017
No joke – this is the mask Harry Styles' stunt-double wore for his #SignoftheTimes video. This is what nightmares are made of 😨😨😨😨
— HOLLYWIRE (@HOLLYWIRE) April 6, 2017
Obscure but…The Harry Styles stunt double looks like one specific Auton from a 1970 episode of Doctor Who
— Fred Delicious 🍆 (@Fred_Delicious) April 6, 2017
Style’s single “Sign of the Times” hasn’t been released yet, but in a preview, The Sun called it an “epic rock ballad that sounds like a cross between David Bowie and Lana Del Rey (as weird as that sounds.”
The singer stars in Christopher Nolan’s war film “Dunkirk,” out this summer.