“Chernobyl” creator Craig Mazin announced that he would withdraw from the upcoming leadership elections for the Writers Guild of America on Wednesday, citing “a medical issue with an immediate family member” in a statement sent by the Guild.
Mazin had been running for vice president against incumbent Marjorie David and Carl Gottlieb. Mazin has declined to comment beyond his statement.
“I am regrettably withdrawing from the race. Due to a medical issue with an immediate family member that will require more of my attention and care in the next year than I had expected. I would have loved to serve, but I will not be able to,” read the statement.
“As the election season continues, I hope we can all keep these beautiful, final words from the late screenwriter Don Rhymer in mind: ‘Focus on the good.’”
Mazin had served as the running mate to Phyllis Nagy, who is running for WGA president against incumbent David A. Goodman. Both Nagy and Mazin have criticized the current leadership’s handling of the dispute with talent agencies over packaging fees, which has prompted a series of lawsuits filed by both sides. Nagy’s position has been supported by a letter signed by Ryan Murphy, Shonda Rhimes, and 300 other WGA members calling for the guild to resolve the dispute at the negotiating table instead of in the courtroom.
“I actually agree with everything the union is doing in terms of its fight with the agencies,” Mazin said in a Tuesday interview on the “Scriptnotes” podcast. “I support that fight. I just don’t love the way they’re going about prosecuting the fight, and I want more of a voice to see if we can get it resolved quicker.”
“We extend our enormous sympathy and support to Craig Mazin and his family during a difficult time. We hope you will all join us in respecting their privacy now, and in understanding that family always comes first,” read a statement from Nagy and WGA secretary-treasurer candidate Nick Jones Jr.
“We will continue to stand and push forward, along with all candidates for the Board who believe that we must formulate a dynamic, new strategy in attacking the issues facing us.”
The WGA will hold a candidate forum in late August, with the voting period being held Sept. 2-16.
UPDATE 8/1 11:00: Updated to include statement from Phyllis Nagy and Nick Jones Jr.