Craig Ferguson has been tapped to star on NBC’s game show sitcom pilot, “Crunch Time.”
Described as a hybrid game show/comedy, “Crunch Time” will cut between a real game show and the scripted workplace that centers on an up-and-coming producer trying to wrangle the volatile host, Toby (Ferguson).
Toby is the host of “Crunch Time” and a successful stand-up comedian. His career as an actor stalled and he’s turning to the game show to take his career to the next level. A nice guy on-camera, off-camera he struggles with feeling too good for his job and not good enough at it.
“My Boys” alums Kyle Howard and Kellee Stewart will also star in the pilot. Howard will play Jake, “Crunch Time’s” head writer who’s also a hipster playwright who does the gig for the money and his friendship with the show’s showrunner, Emily (not yet cast).
Stewart will play Marcelle, Emily’s best friend and confidant who is in charge of finding contestants for the show.
Betsy Thomas, the creator of “My Boys,” is writing and executive producing the pilot, with Phil Gurin and David Janollari also executive producing. Universal Television is producing.