Courtney Love’s Uber Attacked in Paris by ‘Mob of Taxi Drivers’

“They’re beating the cars with metal bats. This is France?? I’m safer in Baghdad,” Hole singer tweeted during ordeal

Courtney Love

Courtney Love says she was attacked in Paris on Thursday by what she called a “mob of taxi drivers” picketing car service Uber.

Love, who was in an Uber vehicle at the time, said on Twitter that her car’s operator was held hostage for an hour during the scary incident. The Hole frontwoman claimed the vehicle was “ambushed” by picketers who slashed the tires and beat the exterior with metal bats.

Later, Love tweeted that she had to pay two guys with motorcycles to sneak her away from the scene, while the angry group hurled rocks at them. Two cops that witnessed the incident did nothing, she added.
