‘Confess, Fletch’ Film Review: Jon Hamm and a Talented Ensemble Nail This Mystery’s Breezy Vibe

Hamm takes over for Chevy Chase with a more modern take on Gregory McDonald’s wisecracking investigative journalist and sleuth

Confess Fletch

The comedic whodunit “Confess, Fletch” features the best leading-man role that star Jon Hamm has enjoyed since his breakthrough performance as Don Draper in the exceptionally rich Madison Avenue drama “Mad Men.”

In the last seven years, Hamm (who also produced “Confess, Fletch”) has stood out in a few decent supporting roles — “Bad Times at the El Royale,” “Richard Jewell” — and some voice acting performances, particularly Tony Stark in the Marvel animated comedy “M.O.D.O.K.” and a brief cameo as “Don Grouper” in a 2016 episode of “SpongeBob SquarePants.”

Hamm gets to show more of his range in “Confess, Fletch,” a breezy murder mystery based on the second of Gregory McDonald’s “Fletch” novels, the first of which was adapted into a cultishly revered 1985 Chevy Chase vehicle.
