Condé Nast Veteran Lucy Danziger Takes Over Editorial At New Healthy Food Site

Danziger is editorial director at Adam Slutsky’s new site, The Beet

Lucy Danziger
Chelsea Lauren/Getty Images

Lucy Danziger, former Self magazine editor-in-chief, is helming a new healthy food site, The Beet.

The Beet is the new venture from Adam Slutsky, who made a fortune when Moviefone, which he co-founded, was sold to AOL in 1999.

On the site, Danziger explains, “One of the joys of launching The Beet is eating a whole-food, plant-based diet, which I started May 1st. Before that I was sitting at my desk working on Hinted, the shopping wish-list platform, and eating junk and feeling gross. Eating a plant-based diet helped me get back on track, feel better everyday, and stay fit and energized while I train for triathlon.”
