Conan Returns to NBC and Jimmy Fallon’s Set to Retrieve Triumph

O’Brien visited Jimmy Fallon’s “Late Show” set to retrieve something he “forgot” when he left NBC in 2010

Conan O’Brien popped into his old stomping grounds, Jimmy Fallon’s “Late Night” studio, on Wednesday night, and he wasn’t just there to say hello.

Read also: Who Gets Custody of Triumph the Insult Comic Dog?

Turns out Jimmy was in possession of something near and dear to Conan’s heart, and after a quick shout out to the new “Late Night” band (“Hey Max … hair looks amazing, man,” he joked to Questlove), Conan reached into Fallon’s couch cushions and pulled out …

See for yourself in the video clip of O’Brien’s appearance:

OK, so the bit didn’t really make sense … Conan had already left his New York studio for Los Angeles when he began “The Tonight Show,” and Triumph made appearances with O’Brien on “Tonight.”

But still, it’s nice to see Coco reunited with his crabby pal, even though that 2010 exit agreement with NBC prevents O’Brien from using his old “Late Show” characters on his TBS series.

Does his Fallon appearance mean O’Brien’s going to find a way around the settlement agreement with NBC and bring Triumph to his new show?
