Conan O’Brien’s TBS late-night series returned from its “three month shutdown” Tuesday night with a brand new look — and way less time. The now 30-minute “Conan” opened with cheers from the studio audience that the host joked the new shorter format can’t handle.
“Thank you very much ladies and gentleman — we did not have time for that,” O’Brien said during his opening monologue. “That’s it! Goodnight, everybody!”
No, no they may have cut out a half-hour of the program, but the host wants to let you know everything is going to be just fine.
“We’re back with a 30-minute show,” he said, dressed in what he called a “hip biology teacher” look, rather than his usual suit. “I don’t want you to worry about that. It may only be 30 minutes — I assure you it’s gonna feel like two hours.”
He then thanked TBS for really getting the word out about the show’s new look — cutting to footage of a carjacking incident that led a “Conan” billboard getting prime placement on the news.
The first guest to grace the revamped show’s stage was Tom Hanks — who was almost bumped for the uber-popular Instagram egg.
And “This Is Us” star Milo Ventimiglia appeared in a dramatic sketch with O’Brien and Andy Richter to address some of the other changes to “Conan” now that it’s down to just 30 minutes. Apparently the band “lives on a farm in upstate New York” (and “they’re very, very happy!”) and the set looks like “a strip club in Grand Theft Auto” but, don’t worry, they are “still working out the lighting.”
Watch the monologue above and the clips of Hanks and the sketch below.